Fire Awareness Training
It is a requirement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 that employers should provide a safe and healthy environment for their employees.
This comprehensive SAQA aligned course (Unit Standards ID – 252250) covers an introduction to Fire Fighting and Awareness, enabling all participants to:
- Have a greater awareness and understanding of the threat posed by fire, their personal responsibility in preventing an outbreak where they work and, on the action to be taken should one occur?
- Enable the student to tackle a fire in its incipient stages, in the correct and safe manner, using the correct extinguishing medium.
- Assist with the safe evacuation of all building occupants and correct reporting procedures should a fire or other emergency take place.
- BLS Medical in conjunction with our partners offers this course that will give the participants a qualification to the entry level of Fire Fighting to meeting the statutory requirements of the OSHACT, 1993
Occupational Health & Safety Courses available
We currently present the following courses:
- SHE Representative
- Fire Awareness
- Evacuation / Fire Marshall